Terms of service.


Green Hills Mobile Notary LLC provides the information posted on its Website for informational purposes only. Your use of this Website does not establish or constitute a contractual relationship with Green Hills Mobile Notary LLC. However, if you subscribe to certain services through this Website, you agree to its Terms of Service.


This Website and all the information contained within, including, but not limited to, designs, blog posts, articles, photographs, videos, text, guides, trademarks, trade names, opinions, service marks and logos (“Protected Information”) are the sole property of Green Hills Mobile Notary LLC, its contributors, and licensors. By U.S. Copyright law, trademark law, international conventions, and other intellectual property law, unauthorized use, copying, distribution, and dissemination is strictly prohibited. You may not in any way use, republish, copy, reproduce, and redistribute materials from this Website. You must obtain written consent from Green Hills Mobile Notary LLC if you wish to use any Protected Information from the Website. All rights reserved.


This Website may contain links to external websites. These are controlled by other parties and not an affiliate of Green Hills Mobile Notary LLC. Therefore, Green Hills Mobile Notary LLC expressly disclaims any liability regarding third party information and content.